My favorite food in the world........

Lalibela Restaurant
Washington, DC
A trip to Washinton DC isn't complete without a meal at Lalibela Ethiopian Restaurant. We discovered it on our first trip to the Annual Friends Committee on National Legislation Board Meeting in 2001. It is probably the most authnitic Ethiopian food we've had in America. The photo makes it look like a pile of mixed up food. Actually it is injera (a large, soft, spongy, slightly sour pancake used as a utensil to scoop up sauces and meat). The photo includes doro wat (chicken and an egg in a very spicy sauce), tibbs (roasted meat with onions and peppers), spicy lentils, split yellow peas, sauteed spinach, alecha (sauteed cabbage, potatoes, and carrots) and a tomato salad. Ellen, JC and Laura joined us for the meal after the worship service on Sunday in DC. It is nice to be home once again, and nice to get back to a regular routine. The focus now is Thanksgiving and it seems everywhere I look there is information about preparations for the big meal a week from today. Nothing seems to compare to a communal Ethiopian lunch with friends..........I think I've already had my Thanksgiving meal.