Green Bean Fest 2006

Four friends gathered together on August 26 this year to can three bushels of beans. This year I tried something new I learned from my sister. I canned green beans with the herb savory to use in green bean soup. I make this soup quite a bit for our weekly soup and prayer suppers here at the parsonage.
(recipe from the More with Less Cookbook - our Mennonite friends serve this with traditional Rollkuchen)
Serves 6
Saute in heavy kettle until golden:
3 T. butter
1 large onion, diced
6 C. water or stock
1 C. shredded carrots
1 C. diced potatoes
4 C. fresh or frozen green beans, cut up
Fresh chopped parsley
1 bunch of summer savory, tied for easy removal
Cook until vegetables are tender. Just before serving, remove savory.
½ C. cream or evaporated milk
Salt and pepper
Heat through and ladle into bowls. Sprinkle over each serving: diced hard cooked eggs.
Russian Mennonites (the heritage of group my sister married into) use these to accompany a watermelon feast. The salty version also goes will with soup.
Serves 6-8
Beat together:
3 eggs
1 C. cream, whole milk, or mixture
Sift and add:
2 t. baking powder
1 t. salt
3 ½ -4 C. flour
Add a little more flour if necessary to make a soft dough which can be rolled out. Roll on floured board to ¼ inch thickness. Cut in 2x4 inch rectangles, sut slit in each, and fry in ½ inch hot oil (375 degrees) until browned, turning once. Drain on absorbent paper. Sprinkle with powdered sugar or salt as desired.
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